

Class Room

At Assumption Public School we believe in stretching our limits to aim high and reach our goals utilizing all our strengths. We believe that it not just teachers and students who put efforts to bring in the best outcomes, but the classrooms that give creative, positive and intellectual atmosphere that compliments their efforts.

Computer Lab

The Computer lab is well-equipped with world class latest technology. The presence of computer labs brightens up the education process and breaks the barrier of the conventional methods. In addition to this the horizon of knowledge is expanded in every student. it also helps them develop skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, analysis research and much more. We have different labs for Junior and senior students.
All systems have broadband and Wifi Connectivity to get uninterrupted access to the curriculum. The labs are consistently upgraded for students to learn latest software skill, making them explore ample of opportunities to grow in formative ways.

Smart Class

The development of Smart boards in school has been a blessing for several reasons. We have successfully installed technoogy in all our classrooms with the interactive smart boards. These Allow students to interact with the graphical content, while helping teachers let them avail all multiple resources at one on the same screen for better understanding.
This turns classrooms into interative forums for sharing the experiences and acquire better knowledge in shorter period.

Science labs (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) :

Having science labs is imperactive for schools with the latest and high quality science lab supplies these days. Labs promotes effective teachings bringing knowledge into execution. Hence we have included scientific labs for hands-on practice for the better exploration, observation and discovery. There are well equipped labs to provide the introduction and best practical experience covering wide ranges of Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Music room and Dance room

Dance and Music stimulate certain intellect and imagination parts of the brain. Students spend their time in music and dance room in their free time. Both these activities are given special treatments focusing every Student's interest. The school focus on every child's creative development with dedication putting their efforts.

Medical Room

We manage to conduct regular medical checkups at School. A qualified team of doctors visit school to conduct these sessions. And these reports are sent to Parents and the school authorities as well in order to stay updated with students' health concern. There is also an in house medical team that takes care of everyday health concerns of the students and are always ready and dedicated for their emergency treatments. In addition to this parents are advised to keep a note and take necessary follow-ups.


Libraries provide another space for children to learn, in other words libraries are gateways to knowledge and culture. Hence we have come up with well stocked libraries in the school premises. It is also ensured that every kid has easy access to all the types of books that’ help them building a brighter future, by developing a wide reading habit in every kid.